Passive Autism
“Some people with autism may not be able to speak or answer to their name, but they can still hear your words and feel your kindness.” Having a special child is not easy. My son was diagnosed with passive autism when he was in kindergarten. At that time the results of the report given stated that my son suffered from passive autism. When he was still in my tummy, I almost lost him when I carried him in my fourth month of pregnancy. That period really drained my emotions, thoughts, soul and energy so when he was born , when the first time I carried him, I know he will be my everything, he will always be my world Everything was perfect at first. Just like other babies, he looks handsome and very adorable. Since he was a baby, he never gave me any trouble. He's an easy baby for me to take care of and I'm determined to take care of him by myself because I really like babies and kids . Another reason is my pregnancy experience made me not want to lose all the moments with